2023 Juniors Baseball Tournament

Hosted by LLLL at Claude Moore Park

CONGRATULATIONS to Loudoun South Little League – 2023 D16 Champions!

The tournament uses a double-elimination format.

Warmups start 70 minutes before game time. Each team gets 25 minutes of cage time in a single cage. Five minutes after the end of the cage time, the visitors get 10 minutes of infield time, followed by the home team.

All days with and without scheduled games may be used for completing postponed or suspended games. Times, locations, and schedules may be adjusted due to weather or other issues. Please plan accordingly.

Coin flips will take place at the first earliest opportunity, usually just after the games end the night before. If the team is not represented at the time of the flip, a District Staff member will stand in. They will take home if given the opportunity, or the 3rd base dugout.